
Meetings & Events

There are various factors which play a role in the success of any meeting or event, including the choice of room and the range of professional services available. The Hotel Belvedere will be delighted to ensure that a well-prepared and qualified team is at your disposal as well as a dedicated Event Manager.


Our congress centre has five air-conditioned rooms all with natural light and which are fully equipped with modern facilities. The rooms are all modular, meaning that the Belvedere Congress Centre can provide customized solutions for seminars, meetings and conferences up to 180 participants.


Our staff can arrange banquets and events according to your needs for up to 300 guests. We organise our banquets professionally, with careful attention and an eye for detail, from the preparation of the food and attentive service right through to the table decor. Our cuisine offers a wide variety of individual menus for every taste.


For the planning, the organization and the implementation of your event, please contact our Event Team

[email protected]

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